ACORN Renewable Energy Co-op
Andrea Murray was recently elected to the Board of Directors of the Acorn Renewable Energy Co-op. Please check out the organization’s website: .
The Acorn Renewable Energy Co-op is a consumer-owned energy cooperative, based in Middlebury, Vermont and serving the 23 towns of Addison County as well as Rutland and Chittenden counties. Its consumer members democratically control the Co-op, which exists to meet the energy needs of its members and the communities we live in.
Planning for the Co-op began in late 2006 among members of the Addison County Relocalization Network (ACORN) energy committee. By 2008, the group had formed an interim Board of Directors, developed a business outline, completed feasibility work on a local biodiesel production facility, filed its Articles of Incorporation with the Vermont Secretary of State and evaluated the opportunity to market wood fuel pellets in its service territory.
By October 2008, the Co-op entered the energy business with its first delivery of 21 tons of premium wood pellets to Co-op members. The Co-op held its first annual meeting in May of 2009.
In addition to wood pellets, the Co-op also provides solar-hot water services, has invested in solar electric projects, and is considering providing home energy assessments and efficiency services for members.