WRITER’S STUDIO – late 1800s
Cornwall, VT

Greg Borah, Contractor
2015 AIA VT Award for Excellence in Architecture – Small Project
WRITER’S STUDIO – late 1800s
Cornwall, VT
Long out-of-use farm buildings are a common sight throughout Vermont. Yet, on a pristine, historic farmstead in Cornwall, one unassuming farm building has become a contemplative writing space that recognizes and honors its agricultural past. The building received a new foundation, insulation, and new window openings, and features two levels – a main floor and a moveable loft. The loft moves by way of a hand crank fashioned out of a salvaged dairy barn stanchion and farm equipment gears, allowing the writer to take advantage of changing light conditions and views. Like an old-school rolling library ladder, the loft also permits access to upper level bookshelves. (See more of Writer’s Studio)
“An existing building, skillfully restored around a wonderful interior space that has been transformed with imagination, ingenuity and technical virtuosity. The new hardware associated with the sliding mezzanine is simple, thoughtful, familiar but clearly innovative, and even playful. The project is marked by a high level of consistency between language and imagination.”
– AIA VT 2015 Design Award Jury Comments