VIA is committed to serving our local communities. Annually, we contribute time and financial resources to many regional and state-wide organizations; and we encourage and support our employees’ involvement in their own communities on institutional boards, energy committees and planning commissions, and arts and charity organizations.
Each year, VIA principals develop a budget for philanthropic endeavors, depending on our projected profitability. We prioritize support for community organizations that share our values, specifically environmental, social equality, and forward-thinking educational programs and endeavors.
Since our inception in 2011, we have contributed time, design services, and financial resources to many local organizations, including but not limited to:
Addison County Community Trust
Champlain Valley Climate and Energy Guide
Addison County Parent/Child Center
Climate Economy Action Center of Addison County
Committee on Temporary Shelter (COTS)
Counseling Service of Addison County
Emerging Professionals Network AIAVT
Habitat for Humanity Addison County
If you are interested in appealing to VIA for support, please contact our office manager. Please appeal to us as early in the year as possible. Thank you.